How To See Reviews On Facebook Marketplace

How To See Reviews On Facebook Marketplace: Reviews are essential to the Facebook Marketplace. They help buyers identify quality listings and trustworthy sellers. They also provide valuable feedback if you just sold an item and want to know what buyers think. But sadly, the reviews can often be hard to find.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to uncover information from buyers to make a well-informed decision about your purchase or if you want to view feedback. In this article, you’ll learn how to see reviews on Facebook Marketplace.

Read also: How To Find The Facebook Marketplace App

How to See Reviews on Facebook Marketplace

The listings on Facebook Marketplace contain important information on the seller through their commerce profile. This is also where you’ll find other listings and ratings.

Here’s how to read seller reviews when you’re considering making a purchase on Facebook Marketplace:

  1. Locate the “Marketplace” option from the main left-hand menu. It should have an icon with a blue tent next to it.
  2. Browse the listings page and locate the items you wish to purchase.
  3. On the listing, you’ll see a seller name. Select it to view their commerce profile.

Once directed to the commerce profile, you can access all the reviews about the particular seller. Make sure to check the ratings and any comments that may indicate fraud, untrustworthiness, or damaged products. Repeat this process for each seller before making your final choice.

If you’ve used Facebook Marketplace to sell items, here’s how you can check what buyers have written about you:

  1. Select the “Marketplace” option on the left-hand menu.
  2. Tap the “Buying” option.
  3. Select “Commerce Profile.”

It’s as simple as that. Use the information and ratings from your commerce profile to see if buyers had any issues with your items or interaction.

How to Rate Sellers on Facebook Marketplace

After buying an item on Facebook Marketplace, leaving a review can help inform other potential buyers of the quality of service, whether positive or negative. Note that you can only leave a review of a seller on the iPhone or Android Facebook app. Unfortunately, the option isn’t available on your desktop or mobile browser.

Here’s how to leave a review on a seller profile from the listing:

  1. Locate and select the listing.
  2. Scroll until you get to seller information, then select the “Review Seller” option.

Alternatively, you can review a seller through your messages. Here’s how to do so:

  1. Select the menu from the top right-hand corner.
  2. Locate and then select the “Marketplace” option. For some users, it may show up only after tapping on “See More.”
  3. Select the “Profile” option.
  4. Tap on “Inbox.”
  5. Enter the conversation of the seller in question and select “Review Seller.”

Before finally publishing the seller review, be sure you want to post the comments. You won’t be able to edit the reviews afterward. However, you can delete it if you see fit. Sellers also have the option to answer your reviews, though you can’t respond to their reply. It’s worth noting that blocking the seller will also make your review invisible to other potential buyers.

How to Request Reviews on Facebook Marketplace

You might want some feedback if you’ve just completed a transaction with a buyer. A good review lets other potential buyers know that you’re trustworthy and provide any necessary feedback to help you satisfy customers in the future.

Here’s how to request reviews from buyers from your listing:

  1. Select the menu with three horizontal lines in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Locate and select the “Marketplace” option.
  3. Select the profile option and then the “Your Listings” option under “Selling.”
  4. You’ll be directed to all your listings. Find the one for which you want to request a review.
  5. Select “Ask for Reviews.”
  6. A list of buyers should come up. Select “Send Request” under your chosen buyer’s name.

You can also request a rating or review from buyers directly from your commerce profile:

  1. Select the three lines menus and then the marketplace option.
  2. Select the profile option and then select “Commerce profile.”
  3. Locate and then select the “Request Ratings” option.
  4. You can select a buyer from the list before choosing the “Send Request” option.

Note that until you receive at least four ratings, they won’t be made public. Once they become visible, other users can read them on your commerce profile.

How to Answer Reviews on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook allows sellers to reply to reviews on listings and transactions. These replies are visible and give a seller a chance to explain themselves, apologize for unfavorable service, or thank buyers for their business.

Here’s how to answer your buyer reviews through your notifications:

  1. From your Facebook app, enter your notifications in the top right corner of the screen. Select the notification indicating you’ve received a new review.
  2. Select the “Write a Reply…” text box.
  3. Type out your reply before selecting the blue arrow to publish it.

Here’s how to answer reviews from your commerce profile:

  1. On your Facebook app, select the menu with the three lines in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Select the “Marketplace” and then profile option.
  3. Select the commerce profile before locating seller reviews.
  4. Next to your desired review, select “More” and then “Reply.”
  5. Type out your desired reply and select the blue arrow.

Once you post your reply, the buyer won’t be able to answer anymore, and your response will be visible to all users.


Will negative reviews and ratings impact my listings?

It takes four ratings on your commerce profile or listing before the listings become public. Once users can access these reviews, they may choose not to buy your item if your ratings are low and customers are dissatisfied.

How is my seller rating determined?

You can have many ratings on your listings, but your overall rating is the average score you get from buyers.

Can I delete my seller ratings on Facebook Marketplace?

You can’t delete or edit a review someone left you on Facebook Marketplace. That said, the customer can delete it if they want to. Alternatively, sellers can reply to the review if necessary.

Rate and Review on Facebook Marketplace

Whether you’re a buyer or seller on Facebook Marketplace, ratings and reviews can be valuable to promote your listings and make others aware of service quality. All the information is on a seller’s commerce profile or on the listing where you’d like to leave a review. You can access all this from the marketplace option.


By following these steps, you can effectively view and evaluate reviews on Facebook Marketplace, helping you make more informed decisions when buying or selling items.

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