Facebook Marketplace: How to Set Up a Facebook Store For Free | Facebook Shops

How to Set Up a Facebook Store For Free: Setting up a Facebook Store for free is a straightforward process. You can create a Facebook Shop directly through your Facebook Business Page. 

Read also: How To Find The Facebook Marketplace App

Before delving into how to create a Facebook Store, let’s look in detail at how to create a Facebook account.

How To Create Facebook Account

To create a Facebook account, here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. First off, you will need to go to facebook.com on your browser
  2. Next, locate and click Create New Account
  3. Now, fill out the registration form by providing the following details: first and last name, password, email address or phone number, gender as well as the date of birth
  4. To continue, click signup at the bottom of the registration form
    Once you undertake the above guide, you will be sent a confirmation code. Enter the code in the required field and click submit

Congratulations, your Facebook account is now ready for usage. You can now start using your account for interacting with people online. It is that simple and easy.

Having outlined that, let’s now proceed with the business of the day, How to Set Up a Facebook Store For Free 2024 – Facebook Shops | Buy And Sell On Facebook MarketPlace.

How to Get Free Facebook Stores This 2024 – Features of the Facebook Store

Interestingly, the reason why people make use of this Facebook feature and function is the features they get to enjoy when they are using it. Peradventure you are looking for reasons before you can start making use of this Facebook feature, here are some of the notable features of this platform.

  1. It is entirely free and easy to set up a facebook store.
  2. Facebook doesn’t charge you for any sales or purchases.
  3. Your products get exposed on a global level and scale and people within and outside of your locals can get to see them.

Listed above are some of the features of the platform on Facebook that makes people use it.

Steps On How to Set Up a Facebook Store For Free

Setting up a Facebook store should be the next move for you, per adventure you want to sell your products online.

Here are the steps you need to follow to easily set up a facebook store:

1. Ensure You Have a Business Page:

  • If you don’t have a Facebook Business Page already, you’ll need to create one. Go to facebook.com/pages/create and follow the prompts to set up your page.

2. Access Your Page Settings:

  • Once your Business Page is set up, log in to your Facebook account and navigate to your Page.

3. Navigate to the Shop Tab:

  • Click on the “Edit Page” button located at the top right corner of your Page.
  • From the dropdown menu, select “Edit Page Info.”
  • In the left sidebar, click on “Templates and Tabs.”
  • Scroll down to find the “Shop” tab and click on the “Settings” button next to it.

4. Agree to Merchant Terms and Policies:

  • Click on the “Agree to Merchant Terms and Policies” checkbox.
  • Review Facebook’s Merchant Agreement and Commerce Policies.

5. Add Products to Your Shop:

  • After agreeing to the terms, click on the “Continue” button.
  • Follow the prompts to set up your shop, including providing details about your business and adding products.
  • You can add products manually or import a product catalog if you already have one.

6. Configure Shop Settings:

  • Set up shipping options, payment methods, and currency preferences according to your business needs.
  • Customize your shop’s appearance by adding a cover photo and arranging your product listings.

7. Review and Publish Your Shop:

  • Once you’ve added products and configured your shop settings, review everything to ensure accuracy.
  • Click on the “Finish Setup” button to publish your Facebook Shop.

8. Promote Your Shop:

  • Share your Facebook Shop link on your Page, in posts, and across your other social media channels to attract customers.
  • Utilize Facebook ads to reach a broader audience and drive traffic to your shop.

Additional Tips:

  • Regularly update your product listings with new items and remove any sold-out or outdated products.
  • Engage with your customers by responding to messages, reviews, and comments promptly.
  • Monitor your shop’s performance using Facebook Insights to track sales, traffic, and customer demographics.


By following these steps, you can set up a Facebook Shop for free and start selling your products directly through your Facebook Business Page.

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